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Ther­mo-bug® fights bed­bugs etc.

Even if Ther­mo-bug® was pri­mar­i­ly designed to com­bat bed­bugs, oth­er pests are also eas­i­ly fought and killed. As such, we pro­vide a ver­sa­tile tool that should be stan­dard equip­ment for every pest controller.

Thermo-bug hilft auch gegen Mehlwürmer

© Rai­mond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0


The lar­vae of the meal­worm con­t­a­m­i­nate food and as they can be car­ri­ers of a tape­worm, they trans­mit intesti­nal diseases.

Thermo-bug hilft auch gegen Schaben


Almost exclu­sive­ly noc­tur­nal, they are omni­vores and pre­fer to hide in warm places such as tiles, skirt­ing boards, behind elec­tric stoves and behind refrig­er­a­tors. The eggs are pro­tect­ed against poi­sons by casings.

Eine Wespe auf weißem Hintergrund. Wespen können auch effektiv mit Thermo-Bug bekämpft werden


Wasps are poi­so­nous insects and are spread all over the world. They are espe­cial­ly dan­ger­ous for aller­gy suf­fer­ers. They often build their nests in tree cav­i­ties, barn roofs, gar­den sheds or shut­ter boxes.

Thermo-bug hilft auch gegen den Katzenfloh


Fleas are lat­er­al­ly flat­tened, wing­less, brown­ish-coloured insects, which due to their strong third (= rear­most) pairs of legs are capa­ble of great jumps (up to 40 cm).

Thermo-bug hilft auch gegen Staubläuse

Dust lice

Often con­fused with fleas, these insects are bare­ly vis­i­ble to the naked eye. They pre­fer rooms with a high lev­el of humid­i­ty and main­ly feed on mould. They main­ly occur in cel­lars, new hous­ing and libraries.


© April Nobile (CASENT0173986 from antweb​.org) / CC BY-SA 4.0


Ants pre­fer warm and humid places and set­tle in colonies behind tiles, between walls and fur­ni­ture, under the floor and in cracks in the wood.

Thermo-bug hilft auch gegen Fliegen


Flies live in dung, fae­ces, garbage, com­post heaps. They love wounds and sweat; they fly in from the out­side. Occur: All year round, with addi­tion­al num­bers in sum­mer. They occur all over the world.

Thermo-bug hilft auch gegen die Kleidermotte

© Olaf Leillinger  / CC BY-SA 2.5


Clothes moths occur all over the world and through­out the year. They are about 9mm long. Mass mul­ti­pli­ca­tion can take place unno­ticed among long-hang­ing clothes.

Thermo-bug hilft auch gegen den Holzwurm

© Siga / CC BY-SA 3.0


Col­lo­qui­al­ly, the lar­vae of the com­mon rodent bee­tle are referred to as wood­worm. They pre­fer cold, moist areas. As such, they like works of art, fur­ni­ture, musi­cal instru­ments and uten­sils made of wood.

Thermo-bug hilft auch gegen Teppichkäfer

© Kurt Kulac / CC BY-SA 3.0

Car­pet beetles

Car­pet bee­tles are incon­spic­u­ous small bee­tles whose body lengths vary between 2−3.8 mm. The bright­ly coloured car­pet bee­tle has eleven-mem­bered feelers.

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