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Bed­bugs are active at night, the blood-thirsty par­a­site hides by day. Keep a close eye out, espe­cial­ly if you stay some­where overnight. Take the trou­ble to check for traces of the pests in pos­si­ble hid­ing spots.

These are the places where the pests love to hide:

  • Any cracks, crevices, frames and joints of (wood) fur­ni­ture, mir­rors, pic­tures and floors,
  • Door and win­dow frames
  • Bed­steads incl. feet, mat­tress­es, wall tapestries/​hangings, luggage
  • Sock­ets, light switch­es, lamps, cor­nices, cav­i­ties of any kind
  • Stuc­co ceil­ings, orna­men­tal strips and skirt­ing boards, blinds

If you stay overnight some­where and you actu­al­ly find what you are look­ing for, or have the slight­est sus­pi­cion of bed­bugs, do not hes­i­tate to con­tact the hotel man­age­ment. Every busi­ness will be grate­ful for this exis­ten­tial­ly impor­tant infor­ma­tion and will respond with appro­pri­ate bed bug con­trol measures.

Peo­ple like to trav­el and they do it a lot. This is exact­ly what can be a prob­lem in terms of spread­ing the par­a­site. Bed­bugs hide in lug­gage and this way, they are unpleas­ant “sou­venirs” that you may be unaware of.

In addi­tion, the pur­chase of antique/​used fur­ni­ture and car­pets and bar­gains from the sec­ond-hand shop are poten­tial risks when it comes to bring­ing bed­bugs onto your premis­es and/​or into your own home.

Oth­er ways in which the bugs can enter the house include attics in which birds (pigeons) have built nests as well as bird nests direct­ly on the house or pipes.

The pest mul­ti­plies rapid­ly, so that even ini­tial mea­sures that are car­ried out (e.g. mask­ing of skirt­ing boards and win­dow sash­es, the shak­ing or tap­ping of affect­ed parts/​objects) are, in any case, not suf­fi­cient to erad­i­cate the plague.

Although bed­bugs are spread­ing more and more, you can do some things your­self to avoid an infestation.

Please note the fol­low­ing on your next holiday/​business trip:

  • Do not leave your lug­gage (suit­case, ruck­sack, bags, hand lug­gage) near to the hotel bed; this is where bed­bugs are par­tic­u­lar­ly keen to hide in search of food because this way, they are close to humans. The path in order to hide in lin­ings, pleats, com­part­ments and pock­ets of your lug­gage would be a short one.
  • Store your lug­gage in a closed state; this makes it dif­fi­cult for bed­bugs to access
  • Only stay a few days, keep your trav­el clothes unopened in a locked suitcase
  • Check the cracks and joints of the bed­side table near the head of the bed; bed­bugs are more com­mon here than in the bed or mat­tress — bed­bugs are dis­turbed by the quick change of bed linen and there­fore, they often go to the head of the bed, in the vicin­i­ty of their host
  • Bed­bugs pre­fer places to hide in wood. Find wood­en fur­ni­ture in the hotel room and make sure you check it for a pos­si­ble bed­bug infestation.
  • Check the hotel bed­ding for any bed­bug fae­ces or blood stains (dark red spots)
  • Take a look at the walls of the room, behind pic­tures and mir­rors, the wall­pa­per and the ceil­ing. Bed­bugs often crawl over the walls to the ceil­ing and from there, they fall onto their prey
  • When you return home, do not leave your lug­gage in your bedroom
  • Clean your lug­gage inside and out with a damp cloth, includ­ing any bags
  • Do not leave dirty laun­dry e.g. in the bath­room, but wash all your trav­el laun­dry imme­di­ate­ly and as hot as possible

In search of a host, the bed­bug can hide every­where where a lot of peo­ple con­gre­gate and are on the move. All year long. Regard­less of the sea­son. Around the globe.

Noth­ing and nobody is spared:

  • Accom­mo­da­tion busi­ness­es (hotels, guest­hous­es, youth hos­tels, hol­i­day apart­ments / apart­ments, motels, hos­tels, etc.)
  • Means of trans­port such as bus­es, trains, air­planes, cruise ships
  • (Stu­dent) dor­mi­to­ries, hos­pi­tals, retire­ment homes, kinder­gartens, board­ing schools
  • Check joints, cracks, frames, the fab­ric of seat­ing areas on used fur­ni­ture, espe­cial­ly fur­ni­ture made of wood, for pos­si­ble infestation
  • In the case of arm­chairs and sofas, make sure you inspect the frames of the furniture
  • Wash used clothes imme­di­ate­ly after pur­chase as hot as pos­si­ble, even before wear­ing for the first time

Haematophagous insects, such as bed­bugs, feed on blood. They are attract­ed by the human noc­tur­nal CO2 con­tent of exhaled air and body heat. Exper­i­ments have shown that bed­bugs pick up these stim­uli over a dis­tance of at least 40 cm and go in search of the source of food. The bed­room is there­fore a “land of plen­ty” for bedbugs.

Although it has not been proven that bed­bugs car­ry dis­eases in their stings, the bites of annoy­ing pests have extreme­ly neg­a­tive effects on human health. In the case of a severe infes­ta­tion over a longer peri­od of time, anaemia can occur in indi­vid­ual cases.

Typ­i­cal fea­tures and harm­ful effects:

Extreme itch­ing where the skin has been punctured

Com­plex skin reac­tions such as a blis­ter­ing skin rash, nod­ules that itch (for­ma­tion of papules) or exten­sive red­ness with some strong swelling (for­ma­tion of wheals)

Super­in­fec­tions and inflamed eczema due to severe scratching

Gen­er­al malaise, which under cer­tain cir­cum­stances, may be asso­ci­at­ed with fever, nau­sea and insomnia

From aller­gic reac­tions through to aller­gic shocks in peo­ple who are gen­er­al­ly high­ly sen­si­tive to insect bites or with very high lev­els of infes­ta­tion (an extreme­ly high num­ber of stings)

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