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What are bedbugs?

Cimex lec­tu­lar­ius, the name aca­d­e­mics use for the com­mon bed­bug, is a creep­ing insect from the fam­i­ly of bed­bugs. It is con­sid­ered a haematophagous (blood-suck­ing) ectopar­a­site, i.e. this par­a­site lives on the out­er sur­face, e.g. the skin of its host and feeds itself by a bite of the host’s blood. It is not just birds and mam­mals that fall vic­tim to the bites of the bug in search of food, humans do too. While ani­mals act as a sec­ondary host, humans are con­sid­ered as the main host for the bloodsucker.

Depend­ing on envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions such as tem­per­a­ture, food, etc. the life of the par­a­site is between 6 and 18 months max. where­in it can also sur­vive for sev­er­al months with­out food. In a phase with­out feed­ing, the Cimex lec­tu­lar­ius does­n’t lay any eggs.

Nahaufnahme einer BEttwanze

The bed­bug
(lat.: Cimex lectularius)

How do bed­bugs multiply?

A female bed bug lays between 200 and 500 eggs with­in its life cycle. On aver­age, sev­er­al eggs are laid per day, and about 15 to 25 eggs per week. After mat­ing and/​or fer­til­i­sa­tion of the eggs, the eggs are deposit­ed in less than 24 hours. As a rule, the fer­tilised eggs are deposit­ed in the usu­al hid­ing places of the bed bug, such as cracks and joints. In ide­al envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions (22 °C room tem­per­a­ture, not less than 13 °C, not more than 36 °C), the lar­vae hatch after 2 weeks and devel­op to a mature spec­i­men in anoth­er 8 weeks, which then mul­ti­plies again.

The devel­op­ment into the adult insect hap­pens over 5 stages. In each case the lar­va needs a blood meal in order to reach the next devel­op­ment stage.

10 facts about bedbugs

Bed­bugs “eat” sev­er­al courses

When it comes to food intake, bed­bugs fol­low a sim­i­lar sys­tem to humans: A starter, main course, dessert. After bit­ing at one point, they move and bite else­where. There­fore, as a rule, bed­bug bites occur in a line: The so-called bug line.

Bed­bugs are not a sign of poor hygiene

Bed­bugs do not inhab­it a room because it is not clean enough. In accom­mo­da­tion, they are also not a sign of unhy­gien­ic con­di­tions or a lack of clean­ing. Bed­bugs do not care how dirty or clean their envi­ron­ment is. What counts for the par­a­site is a near­by host (source of food).

Bed­bugs do not like heat

Oth­er­wise robust, the pest hates heat. At every stage of life, bed­bugs avoid heat that goes beyond the body heat of the human being. This is because the pro­tein in the par­a­site solid­i­fies in the heat, which bed­bugs do not sur­vive. That’s what makes our Ther­mo-bug® method so effective.

Bed­bugs adapt to poisons

Pre­vi­ous­ly, the pests were com­bat­ed with insec­ti­cides. That was also very suc­cess­ful. Over time, how­ev­er, insects have begun to devel­op resis­tance to these poi­sons and in part, they can sur­vive them. There­fore, heat is the only method to suc­cess­ful­ly fight the par­a­site. This is because they can not devel­op resis­tance against heat.

Bed­bugs fast for up to 5 months

Under favourable con­di­tions, bed bugs can sur­vive up to 5 months with­out any intake of food. Under cer­tain low tem­per­a­ture con­di­tions, the robust bugs can even last up to 400 days. That’s more than a year.

Bed­bugs are harmless

It has­n’t been proven that bed­bugs trans­mit dis­eases. Even if bed bugs bite a sick per­son and then a healthy per­son, there is no health risk to wor­ry about. The way in which bed­bugs can still affect your well-being, is some­thing we explain in our FAQ.

Bed bugs are vis­i­ble to the naked eye

They are very small, but for­tu­nate­ly, they are big enough that we can see them with the naked eye. The pests are about 4 — 8 mm in size and almost trans­par­ent. If they have eat­en, they turn pale yel­low, light brown or dark brown, with the back of the body becom­ing increas­ing­ly black. In this sec­tion, we will explain exact­ly how you can recog­nise bed bugs.

Bed­bugs lay a lot of eggs

Under favourable con­di­tions, bed­bugs mul­ti­ply at an explo­sive rate. When fed, a sin­gle female bed­bug can lay up to 500 eggs in her life cycle. Usu­al­ly, how­ev­er, there are many bed­bug females that plague you, and then in turn, the new­ly hatched bugs lay eggs, and so on.

Bed­bugs hide very well

Bed­bugs inhab­it every­where that is a hid­ing place: Cracks, gaps, holes, … If they are not eat­ing, they are hid­ing. Although they can find places to hide in a plague of bed­bugs, it is very dif­fi­cult for inex­pe­ri­enced peo­ple to find all the hid­ing places. There­fore, you should def­i­nite­ly con­tact a spe­cial­ist if you dis­cov­er bedbugs.

Bed­bugs are hap­py to travel

More or less of their own free will, bed­bugs trav­el a lot. They hide in the lug­gage of hotel guests, hand­bags or fur­ni­ture and trav­el from one place to anoth­er as an unseen pas­sen­ger. As such, they go unno­ticed in apart­ments and onto new hosts.

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